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The Swiss Digital Health Weekly - 08 December 2022

The Swiss Digital Health Weekly - 08 December 2022

The Swiss Digital Health Weekly - 08 December 2022

What health ?
The Swiss Digital Health weekly
Publié par
Swiss Digital Health
08 décembre 2022
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Dear readers,

Great news for the Valais start-up supported by the Ark Foundation's Incubator, Allimb has been selected to take part in the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in January.

The CES has been a proving ground for innovators and their breakthrough technologies for 50 years: a global showcase to present tomorrow's innovations to market players, investors and experts.

Allimb offers an augmented reality application that detects the movements of patients during physical rehabilitation exercises and provides them with voice and visual guidance using a form of artificial intelligence. The cutting-edge expertise of the Clinique romande de réadaptation and Valais Hospital enables Allimb to guarantee a maximum level of efficiency and safety with its device.

See you next Thursday!

Your Swiss Digital Health team

La start-up Allimb sélectionnée pour CES 2023 (USA)!
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Swiss Digital Health
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