2 min read

The State of Apps

The State of Apps content+a16zpodcast@a16z.com (steph smith, olivia moore)

A few weeks ago, Apple released a stunning statistic: they’ve paid developers over $320B — yes, billion! — since the launch of the App Store in 2008, highlighting the cast opportunity in the marketplace.

And around the same time, a16z Consumer Partner, Olivia Moore, compiled a list of the top apps across the US app store throughout 2022.

In this episode, you’ll get to hear which apps made it to the top and what they have in common. Hint: the big winners were in social, but perhaps a new wave of social apps!

We also get the scoop on what it really takes to not just hit #1, but stay there. This episode highlights numerous surprising examples ranging from a new-age Beanie Baby app, a viral talking dog, an app from 2012 that finally broke the top 10, and the Chinese app that’s been at #1 for a majority of 2023, and it’s not TIkTok!

There are endless learnings about how new founders can take advantage of these opportunities.


  • 01:51 - Top apps in 2022
  • 03:32 - A new era of social?
  • 07:22 - Hitting #1
  • 09:30 - Staying on top
  • 11:20 - Building a sticky product
  • 13:46 - Growing an app in 2023
  • 15:35 - User-generated growth
  • 17:48 - 2022 category winners
  • 20:39 - Anonymous social
  • 22:24 - Early monetization
  • 26:30 - Monetization trends
  • 31:07 - Leveraging platform shifts
  • 35:26 - Surprising hits
  • 37:50 - Looking toward 2023
  • 39:38 - Invisible AI products
  • 41:46 - Limiting virality
  • 45:13 - Vertical social networks
  • 48:37 - When digital goes physical
  • 51:44 - TikTok growth
  • 53:27 - Geographic trends
  • 56:18 - A decade old app
  • 1:00:25 - App challenge


Apps mentioned:

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