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Telemedicine service transforming dermatology care

Telemedicine service transforming dermatology care unknown

A Yorkshire digital health company is set to roll out its telemedicine dermatology services across the country. Over the past four years, Hull-based Ozone Health has been developing a new way for dermatology patients to get an accurate diagnosis and the care they need remotely from a specialist team.

Through a series of commissioned partnerships with several health trusts, including Barnsley and Rotherham, the service receives referrals from GPs, as well as community and district nurses, for specialist advice on diagnosis and treatment.

Ease of touch screen technology

Optimised for touch screen tablets, Ozone’s own integrated digital platform allows the history and images of a skin condition to be uploaded by a GP, nurse or the patient themself, before being sent for diagnosis or advice from a team of UK-registered dermatology specialists.

Patients can even create images of areas that are difficult to visualise, such as chest or joint pain, by using an on-screen function to draw and mark an image of their body to show where they have pain or discomfort.

Savings for the NHS through community-based care

Since launching in 2020, the company estimates it has saved the NHS around £7m by keeping around 75% of all referrals it has received out of hospital and ensuring community-based care instead.

Ozone Health’s director Dr James Britton has used his 18-year experience as a consultant dermatologist to develop the company’s business model based around his own speciality but says it has the potential to be used for many other medical conditions.

Image is of Dr James Britton

“Our aim has been to create a simple, easy-to-use digital health consultation platform. The results we have achieved speak for themselves so we are now looking to push on and roll it out nationally.

“As technology evolves and becomes easier to use, people are becoming increasingly comfortable with remote working and, in this case, remote interactions between themselves and their own GP. Our service takes that one step further by extending that dialogue to include our consultants.”

Quick responses with 75% of patients avoiding hospital visits

In the past four years Ozone has hosted 125,000 remote consultations and shared 661,000 images of patient skin problems with its team of consultants to review. The average turnaround time for a diagnosis is currently just under 11 hours.

Dr Britton added: “Since we started we have helped identify 600 serious skin cancers, that include melanoma, but we have also been able to ensure that 75% of patients received the appropriate treatment or advice without having to go to hospital.

“That represents a big saving for the NHS in not having to carry out face-to-face consultations and a massive saving in time and money for patients and carers by not having to travel to hospital in the first place.

“As a result, we estimate we have managed to save around 200 tons of CO2 emissions from reduced bus and car journeys over the period which is also good for the environment.”

Secure storage of case histories

Equally important as providing a fast and convenient service to patients is the fact that the data – including written records and images – is managed and stored on Ozone’s secure web-based platform.

With the data being jointly owned by the patient and the doctors involved in the healthcare, the platform effectively acts as a library for both.

“By being able to store images of a patient’s condition, it means they are easy to access and any developing symptoms can be tracked in real time,” explained Dr Britton.

“It also allows GPs to open diagnosis and treatment management plans if they are alerted about a patient we have seen and update their own records accordingly.”

Based at the Hesslewood Business Park, the company currently employs nine people to support the service and works with a team of 12 UK-registered consultants.

Ozone currently works in partnership with health trusts covering Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Barnsley, Rotherham, Oldham, Workshop, Retford and Newark, but has aims to roll the service out further across the country and to expand to other clinical areas.