Telemedizinisches Gehen überzeugt den G-BA
Telemedizinisches Gehen überzeugt den G-BA unknown
Ein Gehtraining mit Fitnessarmband und regelmäßigem telefonischen Gesundheitscoaching hilft Patientinnen und Patienten mit peripherer
Walmart Will Offer Pet Telehealth in Latest Bid to Compete with Amazon
Walmart Will Offer Pet Telehealth in Latest Bid to Compete with Amazon rashmi
Walmart is jumping into the burgeoning pet
Walmart steigt ins Telemedizin-Geschäft für Haustiere ein
Walmart steigt ins Telemedizin-Geschäft für Haustiere ein (cm)
Immer mehr Menschen betrachten ihre Haustiere als vollwertige Familienmitglieder.
Trending in Telehealth: May 8 – 15, 2023
Trending in Telehealth: May 8 – 15, 2023 McDermott Will & Emery
Purnima Boominathan is an accomplished healthcare and corporate attorney
Telehealth helps reduce depression in youth, Texas consortium finds
Telehealth helps reduce depression in youth, Texas consortium finds Bill Siwicki
More than 60% of children with major depression in
Virtual care is the future of healthcare
2020 was the catalyst healthcare needed. Here we discuss how the industry is shifting to a virtual-first model and doubling
Pandemic sets new course for virtual care, AI in healthcare
Kaiser Permanente leaders and David Rhew, Microsoft's vice president of healthcare, discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected
Trends and Opportunities in Telehealth
Presented by Kaiser Permanente Digital, the virtual ThoughtCAST event in July 2020 was open to international participants for the first
Transforming care delivery with telehealth at Kaiser Permanente
Telehealth technologies enable Kaiser Permanente members to receive a wide variety of clinical care and services from their physicians and
Remote telemonitoring for patients with heart failure did not prevent hospitalizations
Kaiser Permanente study highlights need to closely evaluate outcomes associated with new technologies
By Sue Rochman
Enrolling recently hospitalized heart