When it comes to digital health, patients want a unified healthcare ...
When it comes to digital health, patients want a unified healthcare ... unknown
Over 80% said they want one platform to
What's next for patient medical record accessibility?
What's next for patient medical record accessibility? unknown
Free medical record access and creating unique patient identifiers are
A Swiss digital healthcare system: What the population thinks
A Swiss digital healthcare system: What the population thinks unknown
visit Website
Executive Summary
Switzerland is recognised as one of
jameda Studie zum Arzt-Patienten-Verhältnis
jameda Studie zum Arzt-Patienten-Verhältnis unknown
Zum 1. Januar 2023 hat der Gesetzgeber die Neupatientenregelung abgeschafft. In der Ärzteschaft stößt dieser
Typ-2-Diabetes: Vom Patienten bevorzugte Medikamente senken Blutzucker besser
Typ-2-Diabetes: Vom Patienten bevorzugte Medikamente senken Blutzucker besser
Most patients say their healthcare provider's digital tools are underwhelming, survey finds
Most patients say their healthcare provider's digital tools are underwhelming, survey finds unknown
Since COVID-19, healthcare providers have