Jana Care, Inc. Announces Initial Closing of a $6 Million Financing Round to Complete Commercialization of its Self-administered Blood Tests for Kidney and Heart Disease
Jana Care, Inc. Announces Initial Closing of a $6 Million Financing Round to Complete Commercialization of its Self-administered Blood Tests
AI can detect diabetes — just by listening to you talk for 10 seconds: new study
AI can detect diabetes — just by listening to you talk for 10 seconds: new study unknown
Talk to your robo-doctor.
Das EKG per Pflaster kommt
Das EKG per Pflaster kommt Elke von Rekowski
Forschende haben ein dehnbares und kabelloses Pflaster zur Durchführung von EKGs vorgestellt.
Viome Life Sciences Secures $86.5M for At-home Tests and Health Products
Viome Life Sciences Secures $86.5M for At-home Tests and Health Products Marissa Plescia
Viome Life Sciences, a biotechnology company,
Signify Health Launches Chronic Kidney Disease Testing, Expands In-Home Diagnostic and Preventive Services Offering
Signify Health Launches Chronic Kidney Disease Testing, Expands In-Home Diagnostic and Preventive Services Offering Signify Health News
The expanded offering
Tumor-Screening im BH
Tumor-Screening im BH unknown
Forscher des Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) haben ein tragbares Ultraschallgerät entwickelt. Das neue Gerät, das
Your smartwatch could help diagnose Parkinson’s seven years before symptoms of the disease set in
Your smartwatch could help diagnose Parkinson’s seven years before symptoms of the disease set in unknown
Parkinson’s can
The evolution of at-home testing and what that means for healthcare and the patient experience
The evolution of at-home testing and what that means for healthcare and the patient experience Kate Dion
Quick Takes
* Innovation
Oova: $10.3 Million Raised To Accelerate At-Home Fertility Testing Platform
Oova: $10.3 Million Raised To Accelerate At-Home Fertility Testing Platform Amit Chowdhry
Oova – a company focused on women’s