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Resistell raises CHF8.5 million to bring its first product to the market

Resistell raises CHF8.5 million to bring its first product to the market unknown

Resistell developed a device and a test method which reduces the time for antibiotic susceptibility tests (AST) from days to hours. The funds from the funding round enable the start-up to complete clinical trials and for market entry of its R&D device Phenotech Research.

Resistell AG, a leader in phenotypic nanomotion technology for measuring living cells, has taken another major step to achieving its vision by closing a first tranche of its series B financing round raising CHF 8.5M from new and existing investors. Investors include EIC Fund, TRUMPF Venture, OCCIDENT, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Launchpad, and private investors.

“With this strong support from visionary investors, we will seek IVDR certification, commercialize our first product in the research market and seek partnerships with the diagnostic industry, medical centers and academia for bacteraemia and a broad range of other indications” said Resistell chairperson, Barbara Staehelin.

Antibiotic resistance (AMR) is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity according to WHO. With antibiotics becoming less effective as drug resistance spreads globally, diagnostic solutions that allow for targeted, narrow spectrum treatment are urgently needed.

Resistell proposes an alternative to culture based antibiogram, the current gold standard in antibiotic susceptibility testing. Resistell developed a diagnostic device. The rapid AST method using the device is based on the detection of vibration caused by living bacterial cells. Because the test is growth independent rapid AST, the method reduces the time taken to get a result from days to hours. Resistell provides information on which antibiotic should be used to treat the patient.

“Resistell’s platform is demonstrating it can solve tough diagnostic challenges. Our diagnostic device Resistell Phenotech will accelerate antibiotic susceptibility testing, providing an innovative solution for one of the world’s largest unmet medical needs” said Resistell CEO, Danuta Cichocka.

The first clinical study for bacteremia and sepsis in the University Hospital in Lausanne (CHUV) is halfway through. The clinical data shows a massive impact on time to result and around 95% accuracy with the gold standard. A second multi-site study with three European hospitals has just started.

(Press release / SK)