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My Doctor App and the Danish Corona Passport among the 20 most downloaded free apps in Denmark in 2022

My Doctor App and the Danish Corona Passport among the 20 most downloaded free apps in Denmark in 2022 phr

Among the 20 most downloaded free apps in Denmark in 2022, we find both MinLæge App (MyDoctor App) and the Danish Corona Passport App – two solutions that Trifork Digital health has developed, together with great customers and collaborators.

A year full of new projects

2022 was a year characterized by many new projects, expansion of existing projects and international markets and, not least, growth of our Digital Health team. It is a privilege to work with such great customers, partners, collaborators and not least talented colleagues.

Another busy year ahead

We are already looking forward to 2023, which seems to be as busy as 2022. But in a good way. We already have many exciting projects, collaborations and events planned for the coming year. For example, we participate in Folkemødet 2023 and are also a sponsor of this year’s Ocean Race, where Aarhus is a stopover.

See the entire list of most downloaded apps in 2022 in here


See the entire list

See the entire list of most downloaded apps in 2022 in here. https://lnkd.in/eQqsmYRi

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