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Law enforcement seizes healthcare hacker gang's servers

Law enforcement seizes healthcare hacker gang's servers unknown

International law enforcement operation seized the infrastructure of LockBit, a ransomware gang known for targeting the U.S. healthcare industry, Gov Info Security reported Feb. 19. 

"The NCA can confirm that LockBit services have been disrupted as a result of international law enforcement action. This is an ongoing and developing operation," a U.K. National Crime Agency spokesperson confirmed to the news outlet. 

LockBit's dark web leak site now displays a seizure notice left by British and U.S law enforcement declaring that "Operation Cronos" is responsible for the takedown.

The ransomware gang first emerged in 2019 and has taken responsibility for several hospital and health system hacks, including a December cyberattack on Chicago-based Saint Anthony Hospital and a cyberattack on Trenton, N.J.-based Capital Health.