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Kaiser Permanente faces lawsuit over alleged PHI-sharing

Kaiser Permanente faces lawsuit over alleged PHI-sharing unknown

Oakland, Calif.-based Kaiser Permanente is facing a proposed class-action lawsuit alleging that the health system let companies such as Google, Twitter and Microsoft intercept certain patient data, Bloomberg Law reported June 12.

The lawsuit, filed by individuals going by John and Jane Doe on June 9, alleges that Kaiser Permanente, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Permanente Medical Group used technology on its websites that let third-party companies intercept patient information.

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

Kaiser joins a growing list of health systems being sued over their alleged sharing of patient information with tech companies via consumer-tracking technology.

A Kaiser spokesperson told Becker's on May 9 when it faced a similar lawsuit that it is "committed to protecting the confidentiality of our members' and patients' information and takes extensive measures to comply with all applicable requirements."