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India launches incentive scheme to boost digital health record adoption

India launches incentive scheme to boost digital health record adoption Adam Ang

India's National Health Authority is providing incentives to healthcare providers and other stakeholders of the country's digital health ecosystem who are promoting the creation of digital health records.

Up to Rs 40 million (nearly $500,000) will be made available to 10 or more-bed health facilities, diagnostic centres, and providers of digital solutions, such as HMIS and LMIS. It will be provided based on the number of digital health records created and linked to the Ayushman Bharat Health Account.

The Indian government has set aside Rs 500 million ($6 million) to deliver the scheme over the next six months.


According to a press release, the Digital Health Incentive Scheme will accelerate digital health transactions in India under the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM).

"We believe that this scheme will encourage more and more healthcare facilities and digital software companies to come forward and join ABDM for providing patient-centric healthcare. Through this financial incentive scheme, we’re encouraging the adoption of digital health," NHA CEO Dr Ram Sewak Sharma explained.

The incentives come as similar incentive schemes have driven the adoption of other public health-related systems, such as the Unified Payments Interface, tuberculosis case notification, and Janani Suraksha Yojana, a safe motherhood intervention programme.


The NHA, which implements the ABDM, has made efforts to build India's digital health ecosystem. Last year, it reached out to health IT players to help jack up the country's digital health capabilities through various systems connecting all health stakeholders. It has also developed an open platform that features digital registries of health providers and facilities, unique health identities, a consent framework, and universal access to health facilities.