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How AI Can Help Doctors As They Solve Complex Problems

How AI Can Help Doctors As They Solve Complex Problems Ainsley MacLean, Forbes Councils Member

Ainsley MacLean, MD, is Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) at the Mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente.


Every day, the average doctor makes a plethora of high-stakes, rapid-fire decisions. Radiologists, for instance, make a decision every minute or so, ranging from diagnosing a barely visible cancer in a breast to a tiny aneurysm. Each patient seen by primary care doctors has an important problem that needs to be diagnosed and then treated, all while synthesizing lab results, imaging and other testing, and generating patient notes and follow-up. Surgeons and medical physician specialists, in addition to absorbing and analyzing all this background information, perform procedures requiring them to shift course and respond to a problem in a split second.

Given many imaging studies, labs and other tests are fortunately normal, and likewise, many patients’ symptoms fortunately end up not indicating anything serious, the doctor’s job is also to reassure patients who are healthy and quickly identify the ones who need help. This involves making a rapid distinction between the two. These decisions are nothing if not high-stakes; they make the difference between sickness and health, life and death, for millions of patients each year.

I believe AI has an essential role to play in augmenting the work of doctors across the country as they continue to solve these and so many other problems in the coming decade.

A Technological Turning Point

We’re at an inflection point in generative AI. The technology is expanding at an extraordinarily rapid pace—and when you ask most AI experts what the future holds, they're not certain. From my perspective, that uncertainty holds promise: I think we have great potential to harness the energy of AI to support the field of physicians.

What can AI do for doctors? Say you, the patient, have an earache. First, AI can help triage through a patient portal and answer questions to determine if a virtual care visit is appropriate, or if you need to see your physician in person, or whether we can use other digital triage tools to get you care. Additionally, before you see your primary care physician, you may be sent an electronic questionnaire about your symptoms in advance. You might be asked if you have a history of allergies, similar earaches, a family history of ear problems or any other recent related issues, all of which will be eventually integrated into your electronic health record.

When the doctor comes in to see you, they could already have an AI-assisted message crafted for you, synthesizing all of the above, as well as anything that has happened since your last visit. The information is there, right at the point of care. And, because new AI tools can also listen ambiently as you speak to your doctor, the details of that conversation could be added to the note, while the doctor can take the time to sit down and talk to you face-to-face. Finally, a curated AI database could provide a clinical library of useful information to inform clinical decision-making by your physician.

Tools With Many Applications

AI isn’t only leverageable at the point of care. Patient messaging is another area that can be significantly improved by AI tools. Today, patients can email their doctors 24/7. Doctors have a tremendous sense of responsibility to patients and truly want to rapidly respond to patient questions. AI can help doctors draft message responses giving medication or after-care instructions, offering to call in prescriptions, even answering some common questions—and the doctor can review, edit if needed and hit send.

AI can also bring doctors visual information in a fast, synthesized and accurate fashion for their careful review and final sign-off. For example, AI imaging tools can flag a bleed in the head on a CT scan and move it to the top of the radiologists' queue. These tools can also confirm an area of breast cancer on a pathology slide, diagnose glaucoma, or measure the amount of calcification in the arteries of the heart.

Within imaging-heavy fields, this can be hugely impactful: The diagnostic load (and the sheer number of images) being evaluated by imaging specialists such as radiologists, cardiologists, pathologists and ophthalmologists is going up across the country. This is due to both specialist shortages and the needs of an aging population. On a given CT scan, there are a thousand possible decisions to make in just a few seconds. AI tools in these cases can act as a “second reader,” or safety check, or automatically highlight certain routine measurements.

An Irreplaceable Function

As AI offerings continue to develop at a rapid pace, there’s always talk about certain jobs being replaced by these tools. Radiologists have been particularly subject to this speculation, although as it turns out, the role of AI in diagnostic imaging is a more challenging problem to solve than some earlier proponents anticipated. In fact, radiology as a specialty is a leader in the development of AI-assisted diagnostic tools.

But, in a sense, the technical capabilities of AI are beside the point. Doctors will not be replaced by AI because so much of the practice of medicine is about delivering a human experience: using the wisdom and judgment synthesized over decades of experience or 1000s of cases, having a great bedside manner, speaking in a reassuring way so that patients and their families can get their questions answered, and having a deep body of experience to draw from. The vast majority of patients would prefer to get health information, particularly in serious cases, from their doctors as opposed to from a generative AI tool.

And, from doctors’ perspectives, the desire to truly help patients is the reason their thousands of daily decisions have such high stakes. When technology makes it possible for doctors to spend more time with their patients, and to do what they do best—improving their care in myriad ways—everybody wins.

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