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Hippocratic AI Launches Nurse Advisory Council to Guide AI in Healthcare

Hippocratic AI Launches Nurse Advisory Council to Guide AI in Healthcare unknown

Hippocratic AI Launches Advisory Council to Guide AI in Healthcare

What You Should Know:

Hippocratic AI, a company developing a safety-focused Large Language Model (LLM) for healthcare, announced the launch of its Nurse Advisory Council.

– The Nursing Advisory Council, alongside their existing Physician Advisory Council, will play a crucial role in shaping the technology and ensuring its responsible and effective use in patient care.

Addressing Nurse Shortages and Empowering Caregivers

The healthcare industry faces a global nurse shortage projected to reach 10 million by 2030, impacting patient safety and well-being. Hippocratic AI aims to address this by developing an LLM that supports nurses and allows them to focus on high-impact patient care.

Nursing Advisory Council Guiding Principles

The council will offer insights on patient experience, nursing workflows, safety protocols, and patient engagement. Their diverse expertise ensures the LLM is medically accurate and complements, not replaces, the work of frontline nurses.

Nursing Advisory Council Leadership & Membership

Led by experienced nurses Michelle Voisard CCM, BSN, RN, Hippocratic AI’s Director of Care Management; and Sophia Busacca MSQM, BSN, RN, Hippocratic AI’s Director of Nursing, the council includes 10 initial members with diverse expertise:

Erica Bentley, RN, MBA, BSN: Vice President, Population Health Management at Optum

Serena Bumpus, DNP, RN, NEA-BC: Chief Executive Officer at Texas Nurses Association

Shawna Butler, RN, MBA: Nurse Economist. Managing Director at NextMed Health; Host, SEE YOU NOW podcast; Top 50 in Digital Health 2021

Cassie Choi, RN, BSN: Co-Founder, Chief Health Equity & People Officer at Pair Team; Member of the White House Clinician Innovators Roundtable on Health Equity; Top 50 in Digital Health 2022; UCSF Rising Star 2022

Kenneth Dion, PhD, RN, MSN, MBA, RCSI, FAAN: Founding Principal at TurnPath, LLC; Immediate Past-President, Sigma, the International Honor Society of Nursing

David Marshall, JD, DNP, RN, FAONL, FAAN: Senior Vice President, Chief Nursing Executive at Cedars-Sinai

Amy McCarthy, DNP, RNC-MNN, NE-BC: Director of Nursing, Women, Infants & Oncology at Texas Health Resources; President-Elect of Texas Nurses Association

Molly McCarthy, MBA, BSN, RN-NI: Global GTM Excellence Leader, Enterprise Informatics at Philips

Colleen Morley, DNP, RN, CCM, CMAC, CMCN, ACM-RN FCM FAACM: Case Management Society of America (CMSA) National President; Immediate Past President at CMSA Chicago; Director, Illinois Nurses’ Foundation

Patricia Railsback Masson, RN, PhD, FAHA: Nurse Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital; Associate Scientist at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Members will provide insight into the desired patient experience, nursing workflows, safety protocols, and patient engagement. This collaboration aims to ensure the AI augments, not disrupts, the work of nurses.