Health Outcomes: facts and figures
Health Outcomes: facts and figures Joshua Slatko
A survey of 141 healthcare executives by MD Revolution showed that C-suites are expanding their budgets to establish programs that increase patient and clinician satisfaction, improve outcomes, reduce overall expenses, and unlock new revenue. The research illustrates how underlying technologies that drive those business goals are proving to be a valuable investment that delivers ROI when operated strategically. Almost all survey respondents said that remote patient monitoring programs are already delivering, with 94 percent noting improvement in patient outcomes and 73 percent reporting that their programs are yielding a return on the investment. Nine in 10 survey respondents said that RPM has yielded a positive ROI from a care quality perspective, and two-thirds say implementing chronic care management programs resulted in a strong care quality ROI using the platform. 79 percent of survey respondents said that CCM has a positive impact on care, while 76 percent noted that RPM has a positive impact on patient care. Seven in 10 survey respondents said that CCM improved patient satisfaction, while two-thirds said RPM improved patient satisfaction. And nine in 10 survey respondents working with an external partner for RPM and CCM are satisfied, with 85 percent saying they are unlikely to switch partners.
Source: MD Revolution
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