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Deep learning tool uses MRI to enhance brain tumor diagnosis

Deep learning tool uses MRI to enhance brain tumor diagnosis unknown

Validating this deep learning tool in more than 500 additional cases, results of this present study demonstrate 78% accuracy in the classification of these tumors, surpassing conventional methodsRaquel Perez-Lopez

“This work is the result of more than five years’ research focused on the identification of innovative magnetic resonance perfusion imaging biomarkers to enable the differential diagnosis of brain tumors. This present study integrates insights generated by other previous research projects on artificial intelligence, resulting in the development of software that automates presurgical diagnostic classification with very good precision, while facilitating its clinical applicability with a user-friendly interface for clinicians,” added Albert Pons-Escoda, a Clinical Neuroradiologist and Investigator of the Neuroradiology at the Bellvitge University Hospital, and co-author of this study. 

This novel deep learning tool leverages the full spatial and temporal information of conventional MRI to identify behavioral patterns on imaging specific to each tumor. “Deep learning teaches the machine the characteristics of each tumor detected by magnetic resonance imaging of already diagnosed patients. For example, if we show the machine thousands of images of dogs and cats, it will learn the distinct and defining characteristics of both species, and when it sees a new image, it can differentiate between the two,” added Alonso García-Ruiz, a PhD Student of VHIO’s Radiomics Group and first author of this study.