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Cost is driving patients away from adopting digital health technologies

Cost is driving patients away from adopting digital health technologies unknown

Fifty-eight percent of healthcare practitioners say digital health applications lessen burdens on health systems, but only 44 percent say that digital health applications are living up to their full potential, according to a Feb. 28 study from the Consumer Technology Association.

The Consumer Technology Association analyzed the state of U.S. consumer health technology ecosystem and digital health solution adoption and found that:

  • Cost was the top barrier to digital health adoption and was the reason many patients stopped using digital health technologies.

  • Sixty-three percent of clinicians believe that additional clinical evidence will encourage more patients to adopt health technology.

  • Fifty-seven percent of clinicians believe that more patient reimbursement would encourage more patients to adopt health technology.

  • The Consumer Technology Association recommended that health tech companies should focus on building consumer awareness to improve patient perceptions around digital health solutions.