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CHIME22: How Geisinger Health Built Its ‘Business-Driven, IT-Enabled’ CRM Strategy

CHIME22: How Geisinger Health Built Its ‘Business-Driven, IT-Enabled’ CRM Strategy

CHIME22: How Geisinger Health Built Its ‘Business-Driven, IT-Enabled’ CRM Strategy. Strategyjordan.scott_xWTBMon, 11/14/2022 - 11:13

Though customer relationship management has existed for decades in industries such as retail and finance, healthcare’s adoption of CRM has been more recent, especially with the sector’s ongoing consumerization and blurring of lines between consumer and patient.

For example, Cleveland Clinic adopted Microsoft Dynamics in a pilot as part of its CRM strategy to boost patient engagement amid the COVID-19 pandemic and find integration within its Patient Service Center initiative.

“We’ve shifted the paradigm from reactive — answering when a patient calls us — to proactive and engaging patients when we can see that they need care,” Dr. Lisa Yerian, chief improvement officer at Cleveland Clinic, said in a 2021 article from the health system. “We’re developing a unified strategy to orchestrate the patient’s journey across a lifetime of care, and thousands of patients are already seeing the impact.”

Geisinger Health, based in central Pennsylvania, launched its CRM journey before the pandemic in 2019. Its CRM strategy has been crucial for connecting with patients and achieving goals related to population health management, said former CIO John Kravitz during a CHIME22 Fall Forum session in San Antonio.

Kravitz, now at software vendor Workday, and Paddy Padmanabhan, CEO of Damo Consulting, discussed the lessons learned from Geisinger Health’s initiative to obtain 360-degree insight on their patients through its CRM strategy.

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