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ChatGPT's developer gets into medical transcription

ChatGPT's developer gets into medical transcription unknown

ChatGPT developer OpenAI has rolled out a new medical transcription service with Hint Health, a digital health company focused on direct primary care.

The generative artificial intelligence-based platform records and transcribes patient visits before generating a summary with OpenAI's large language models, which also power ChatGPT. Hint AI launched in beta mode Sept. 21 in the startup's clinical platform.

"AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, human relationships," said Aliisa Rosenthal, head of sales at OpenAI, in a Sept. 21 news release. "We are excited that Hint Health is using OpenAI's technology to bring advanced tools to doctors who share our vision."

Hint Health provides technology for thousands of direct primary care clinics and networks across the country. Direct primary care providers offer subscription-based care directly to patients, sidestepping payers altogether.