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Australian Digital Health Agency appoints new Chief Digital Officer

Australian Digital Health Agency appoints new Chief Digital Officer unknown

The Australian Digital Health Agency recently announced the appointment of Peter O’Halloran JP as its Chief Digital Officer to take care of the delivery and execution of better digital health systems.

In his new role, Peter will draw from his 17 years of experience in the industry. Prior to this, he worked at ACT Health for nearly seven years in the provision of high-level leadership, management and strategic advice in relation to performance reporting and technology capabilities across the ACT public health system.

Having worked with the ACT Government in a CDO position, the National Blood Authority of Australia for nearly nine whole years as CIO and executive, and National Health and Medical Research Council and the University of New South Wales in various other roles, Peter has an extensive background in the industry.

On his new appointment, Peter stated in a LinkedIn post, “I am excited to join the Australian Digital Health Agency at such a critical time. Between now and 27 February, I am madly trying to close out a few key deliverables at ACT Health.”

“After 17 years working in the public health system (13+ of these as a Chief Information Officer), I did seriously consider moving away from healthcare, but the lure of healthcare ICT was too strong. The ability to work every day with exceptional technologists, clinicians, public servants and healthcare consumers to improve health outcomes for citizens is too exhilarating to resist,” he concluded.