Apple touts Vision Pro as healthcare tool
Apple touts Vision Pro as healthcare tool unknown
Epic Systems, UC San Diego Health, Boston Children's and Cedars-Sinai are launching healthcare-focused apps for Apple's new Vision Pro headset.
Epic is launching its new app, Epic Spatial Computing Concept, for the Apple Vision Pro, according to a March 11 news release from Apple. The app enables physicians and clinicians to perform charting; examine labs; communicate via chat; and navigate through in-basket workflows using gestures such as tapping fingers for selection, wrist flicks for scrolling, or utilizing a virtual keyboard or dictation for typing.
Meanwhile, Los Angeles-based Cedars-Sinai and Boston Children's Hospital created new apps for Apple Vision Pro.
Cedars-Sinai's behavioral health app, Xaia, which stands for eXtended-Reality Artificially Intelligent Ally, provides patients with a type of therapy whereby they can use a computer program that talks to them.
Boston Children's Hospital app, CyranoHealth, utilizes the "spatial computing" capability of the Vision Pro to create an immersive training environment for nurses and healthcare professionals. This involves realistic simulations that replicate the experience of working with medical equipment.
Meanwhile, UC San Diego Health has become the first health system to pilot the app Visage Ease VP on the Vision Pro. The app supports immersive spatial experiences for diagnostic imaging and multimedia.
UC San Diego Health is exploring possibilities with the app such as streamlining tumor board reviews for greater efficiency and establishing collaborative healthcare spaces.