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AI based digital health platform lands place on “prestigious ...

AI based digital health platform lands place on “prestigious ... unknown

AI based digital health platform lands place on “prestigious” accelerator programme

Aide Health, the digital health platform that uses conversational AI to help patients better understand and manage long-term conditions, is proud to announce it is one of the 17 digital health companies selected for DigitalHealth.London’s Accelerator programme.

The companies selected for the Accelerator 2023/24 programme have digital solutions or services that have the highest potential to meet London’s NHS and social care challenges.

Now in its seventh consecutive year, the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator is funded by Health Innovation Network (HIN) through its Office for Life Sciences funding and its partners, including CW+. In addition, the Accelerator will receive £185k from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for some aspects of this programme.

DigitalHealth.London’s Accelerator aims to speed up the adoption of technology in London’s NHS, relieving high pressure on services and empowering patients to manage their health. The Accelerator has previously supported 143 high potential digital health companies across six cohorts.

It works with the companies over a 12-month period, giving bespoke support and advice, a programme of expert-led workshops and events, and brokering meaningful connections between innovators and NHS organisations with specific challenges.

The companies successful in getting onto the Accelerator programme have been chosen through a rigorous and highly competitive selection process, involving expert NHS and industry panel assessments, interviews, and due diligence checks.

Sara Nelson, programme director, DigitalHealth.London, commented: “We are delighted to announce the 17 digital health companies joining our seventh DigitalHealth.London Accelerator cohort.

“The application process for this year’s programme was extremely competitive and as such, the final 17 companies truly are the ones to watch in the digital health space. We look forward to working with them over the next year to support the NHS and social care through digital transformation.”

Ian Wharton, founder and CEO of Aide Health, added: “Being accepted onto the prestigious DigitalHealth.London Accelerator cohort is a significant milestone for Aide’s journey.

“Following our successful NHS pilot last year, and recent partnership with Suffolk Primary Care, we are excited for the new opportunities that will come through this programme. In such a competitive process, we are grateful to be selected, especially amongst such innovative companies. “

By Matthew Neville – Senior Correspondent, Bdaily

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