3 min read

23 Holistic Health Habits For 2023

23 Holistic Health Habits For 2023
Photo by Dan Gold / Unsplash

Happy 2023! New Year - New me. And new you? January 1st is the best day of the year, to adapt better habits, because the motivation is high. I think so too. Here is a summary of the 23 best holistic health habits for body, mind and soul, which will never go out of style.


1. Drink 10 glasses of water per day (if possible filtered). Add fresh lemon juice. To alkalize your body and reduce inflammation. Hydration is key for your overall well-being and the well-functioning of your body.

2. Remind yourself to take a few deep breaths throughout the day. Fill your lungs up with air. Try some breath work exercises. It’s a great way for your nervous system to calm down, and to release stress instantly.

3. Prioritize and stick to a healthy breakfast/morning routine. Your morning ritual sets the tone for the (energy of the) day. Add superfood supplements. Such as collagen powder to your coffee, for maintaining healthy and vitalized skin.

4. Eat seasonal veggies and fruits from your region. They contain more healthy nourishment than imported off-season products.

5. If you plan to indulge in guilty pleasures such as chocolate, eat something healthy first and plan the sweets in for dessert.

6. Expose yourself to sunlight first thing in the morning (without sunglasses) to wake up all the cells in your body.

7. Move, every day. Stretch, walk, exercise, run or dance. To move every day a little is much healthier than relying on only one or two full workout sessions per week. Daily stretching is key to a flexible body and mind.

8. Rest. Your body needs at least 3 small breaks a day, in order to restore and maintain its energy levels.

9. Sleep 7-8 hours every night. Don’t look at screens 1-2 hours before you sleep.

10. While you do look at screens, wear blue-light blocking glasses. Your eyesight, your energy and your brain will thank you.

11. Have regular health check-ups and optimize your vitamin intake twice a year.

12. Whenever possible try to adapt a routine to go to bed each day at the same time and wake up each day at the same time. Your body clock adapt to this routine and you’ll see results in better performance and well-being.


13. Organize your mind, write things down in form of to do-lists, goals-lists, create vision boards and wish-lists. Work towards them. Every day. Once it’s out of your mind and written down, it will be easier to structure, keep track and to remember.

14. Know (or learn) how to prioritize on your goals and set the right boundaries in order not to waste your energy unnecessarily.

15. De-stress your life by planning ahead, instead of keeping things up in the air till the very last minute.

16. Meditate daily, even if it’s just 5 minutes to start with. No matter how you do it and what kind of meditation you choose. Start and continue. The overall benefits are huge.

17. Take regular breaks not just from your work, but also from social media and from reading the news. You’ll be surprised how much more mental energy you’ll have.


18. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, who you can rely on, who you can trust, and who make you feel good about yourself. And: give the same in return. Be the kind of person you would like to surround yourself with.

19. Become best friends with your emotions. Especially with the difficult ones. Journal. It declutters your mind, and has positive effects on your mental health. Read books on mental health. Go to therapy or take coaching to work through the topics most relevant for you.

20. Connect with nature. There is nothing more grounding and nourishing than being in nature, close to flowing waters or in the woods. Walking barefoot on grass or touching trees in an extra special exercise for immediate grounding and calm.

21. Give back. Support people who can do nothing for you. Be kind.

22. Be grateful. Science shows that gratitude, even for the smallest things, lowers anxiety and has very positive impact on our mental health.

23. Don’t forget to play, have fun, be creative and don’t take yourself too serious. Your well-being does not only rely on performance but also on pleasure and being at ease.

Happy Healthy 2023!