2 paths health systems are taking with generative AI adoption
2 paths health systems are taking with generative AI adoption unknown
Michael Hasselburg, PhD, chief digital health officer of University of Rochester (N.Y.) Medical Center, said he sees health systems taking two approaches to generative AI — banning or embracing the new technology.
Dr. Hansselburg wrote on LinkedIn Aug. 10 saying that he's seeing health systems take two different approaches to generative AI adoption. The first is banning the technology altogether.
"Some have elected to ban the use of it until there is better guidance from the regulators (i.e. ONC, FDA) and/or are electing to wait until their electronic health record vendor offers the AI solution," he wrote.
The second approach he sees health systems taking is one in which they are fully embracing it or creating their own internal tools in-house.
But, according to Dr. Hansselberg, building tools in-house doesn't always mean they will be cost effective.
"In my opinion, it has never been easier or [more] cost effective for health systems to build their own solutions to solve our own problems," he wrote.
Dr. Hasselberg was replying to a recent survey from Bain & Co. that found that only 6 percent of health system executives have a generative AI strategy for their organization.